Astronaut Online video creator →教科書 p.601 They only work to help IPC in certain countries in Europe.2 Experts look into materials collected across the world.3 Only those with a deep understanding of insects can help IPC.4 Photographers organize welcome trips for membership holders. New Year Promotion: all new members who join before February will receive a free photobook.You can get a $5 discount from the second year of your membership.If you can help us by becoming a photographer, you can apply for Butterfly membership at half the price.彩りComments〟をKenI love croissants. Thanks to those stories, I think I’ll enjoy them even more than before.!EmiI totally agree. I think there is another croissant story related to ancient Greece. But I can only remember some bits of it. Could anyone who is familiar with the story tell us about it?Koji The ancient Greeks used to make bread in the shape of a whole bull to replace sacrifices of real bulls. As time passed, this was reduced to a pair of horns, which would be offered to the moon goddess. I find this kind of story so fascinating: it’ll make children interested in what’s behind the things they see around them, regardless of whether it is true or not.Jane I didn’t know that story, but it’s interesting. Certainly, stories have the power to attract children’s interest. However, we need to make sure that children do not think that all legends are true. I think we should distinguish between fact and fiction, and then we can enjoy the stories.11. With approximately 190 countries and 7 billion people on earth, it is not hard to 1 To ask the doctors and nurses questions about her homework.2 To get a weekend job there taking care of animals.3 To learn the skills she must have to become a doctor.4 To see how animal hospital workers do their jobs. 2Like many others, I came to 4. this country when I was young, in my case in my twenties. ▶ 21行目に、my role was to look at things from a unique perspective and to convey the message in my ▶ 1行目にIdentity, or “how I am different from others,” is a difficult concept to grasp.(アイデンティティ、すなわち「私がほかの人とどのように異なるか」ということは把握するのが難しい概念です)とあるように、identityをhow I am different from othersと言い換えている。Charlotte and the Candy Factory, “3” for neither. ① basically means the way people behave toward others (基本的には人びとがほかの人に対してどのように振る舞うかを意味する)1 Probably there are few action scenes. ( ) ③is based on where a person was born or comes from(人が生まれた場所や育った場所がもとになる) ④often depends on your gender(性別によることが多い)2 It runs for over two hours. ( )3 The acting seems to be boring. ( )2. According to paragraph 2, Sahel _______. パラグラフ2によると、サヘルは_______。4 There are two opposing opinions about the movie. ( )5The music in the movie seems to be good. ( )▶ 6行目にI was quiet and did not express myself in order to avoid being disliked by strangers(知らない人も〝年度に関わらず出題確率の高い形式の設問を、1予備校の先生方が作成!カラフルな紙面と内容の面白さで、共通テスト対策に通予常備/校特の別先レ生ッ方スがン書すきべ*Polynesian ポリネシアの ※ポリネシアとは、ハワイ諸島・ニュージーランド・イースター島の3点を結ぶ海域にある島々を指す。下て*superlative ←辞書を引かずに、文脈などから意味を推測してみましょう。ろにし、た解答・解説バラ(PDF)をご用意! ▶ 12行目に、I tried to be a “normal kid” like everyone else.(私はほかのみんなと同じように「普通の子ども」になろうとしました)とあるように、サヘルはほかのみんなと同じように振る舞おうとはしたが、賢い子どもとして振る舞ったわけではない。 ④smile and look cheerful and friendly(微笑みを浮かべ、陽気で親しみやすく見える)5. According to paragraph 5, Sahel chose to study ICT in university because _______.パラグラフ5によると、サヘルは_______ので、大学でICTを学ぶことを選んだ。 ④she realized her desire to be friendly with everyone(みんなと仲よくなりたいという願いに気づいた)4552B254565B5Scene 2状況設定 (訳)会話を聞いたあとにあなたは、イラン出身の俳優であるサヘル・ローズによって書かれた以下の記事を読むように言われました。解答Pre-Reading (p.24)1. express 2. personality 3. temporaryQuestions (pp.26-27)1. ② 2. ④ 3. ② 4. ③ 5. ④ 6. the basics of acting 7. ① 8. ① 9. ④10. (my) natural sensitivity / (my) instinct to care for others / (my) desire to express my emotions without any filtersReading Strategy (p.25) 1. One day, After a while, In junior high schoolREVIEW:2. whereas 3. such asPre-Reading日本語訳を表現する(動詞)=自分の考えていることや感じていることを話したり書いたりする性格(名詞)=その人の特徴、特に他人に対する振る舞い方仮の(形容詞)=限られた期間のみ継続したcool in its own way. All the actors did a good job in portraying their characters. Questions解説Better than average 1. According to paragraph 1, Sahel thinks that identity _______. パラグラフ1によると、サヘルはアイデンティティが_______と考えている。解答の見通しを立てるmusicals, you might enjoy it. If you don’t, you might be bored.言葉の定義が示されている部分を読み取るようにする。解答の根拠を探して正解を絞り込む ②can show distinctions between people(人びとの間の差異を示すことができる)太字部分は表現の言い換えアイデンティティを決定することはできないのです)とある。解答の見通しを立てるReading Strategy 1.(教科書p.25)で確認した、時間的順序を示す語句を活用しながら、サヘルの生い立ちを読み取るようにする。解答の根拠を探して正解を絞り込む ④wanted to be liked by others(ほかの人に好かれたかった)たちに嫌われるのを避けようと、私はおとなしくし、自己表現をしませんでした)とある。 1Scene 2 ▶ 3行目に、your birthplace or gender alone cannot determine your identity(出生地や性別だけでは自分のScene 2 ▶ 6行目に、I was quiet and did not express myself in order to avoid being disliked by strangersとあるよう ▶ 出会った(met)だけでは不十分で、ありのままの彼女を受け入れた(accepted me for who I was)ことが正 According to paragraph 4, in her job as a radio reporter, Sahel was expected to _______.way.(私の役割は独自の観点で物事を見て、自分なりの方法でメッセージを伝えることでした)とある。 ①make a breakthrough in the program(番組に大きな転機をつくる) ②read a script as accurately and smoothly as possible(可能なかぎり正確かつなめらかに原稿を読む) ▶ 20行目に、The announcers there were expected to read a script accurately (そこのアナウンサーたちは原 115To take pictures of all the earth’s beautiful insects: that’s the goal of the Insect Photography Club (IPC). Our team is working hard to gather photos across the globe, allowing you to explore the world’s wonderful insects from your home!Our success depends on the efforts of the following groups of people: PhotographersWorking together from all over the world, our photographers take photos of insects they discover and upload them to our website. They frequently organize trips to take pictures of less explored areas through our message boards. ExpertsThese specialists work at our offices in several European countries to decide which insects will appear in each photograph. We’re pleased to announce that IPC has discovered fourteen new types of insects so far! Join us to further explore the fantastic world of insects. We offer three different levels of membership:Daily NewsCareer Goals of Children around the WorldThis year, questionnaires by toy companies once again revealed the preferred careers of children around the globe. The trends in their responses reflect the concerns of our adult world, providing a fascinating insight into the influences shaping our society.44One survey presented children with five jobs—including teacher, musician, and professional athlete—and asked them to rank the three they’d most like to do. There were major differences among countries when it came to the top spot. In China, the most popular choice was astronaut, selected by over 50% of all Chinese children. However, children in the US and UK were most likely to choose becoming an online video creator as their goal. This may be a result of the varying focuses on areas such as scientific knowledge and creativity in the three countries’ school curriculums.It’s still largely unclear what drives children’s choices about their future work. There have been suggestions that children who have experienced illness feel drawn toward medical professions, and that economic uncertainty leads them About a decade after the opening of Zang’s bakery, references to the croissant to consider business careers, but there is still a lack of research on this began to appear in the French press. Croissants were described as “breads of phenomenon. fantasy and luxury.”Zang had a great influence on French baking. In addition to foods from Children’s Top Ranked Professions By CountryAustria, he introduced a new type of oven which used steam. The technique of steam baking made his products unique in France, and his bakery’s reputation quickly spread. Yet Zang’s influential role in French baking is hardly recognized today. CountryWhy? It is probably because he became more famous for his newspaper. In 1848, Zang returned to Vienna and founded Die Presse. His involvement in the bakery business was a brief stop on the road to his life’s true success.40%What you can getReceive postcardsView part of the website (photo library)Receive free magazinesJoin IPC partiesView the entire website (photo and video libraries)Join lectures given by scientistsUKUSChina20%0%Percentage of votessource: 2019 online survey by Harris Poll/LEGOMembership optionsFirefly($25.00)Dragonfly($36.00)Butterfly($42.00)60%As you can see, interesting stories surround the origins of the croissant. Whatever its true origins, few can resist the appeal of a croissant and a cup of café au lait for breakfast.35401050155520602530101015152025202030103515404514に、もともとサヘルは知らない人たちに嫌われるのを避けようとしておとなしくしていた。解答の見通しを立てるサヘルがいつnew self(新たな自分)を発見したのかを読み取るようにする。なお本文では、true self(本当の自分)と表現されていることに気づく必要がある。解答の根拠を探して正解を絞り込む ②several students accepted her uniqueness(数人の生徒が彼女の個性を受け入れた)解の根拠になる。解答の見通しを立てるReading Strategy 2.(教科書p.25)で確認した、比較・対照のディスコースマーカー“whereas”の直後に着目する。解答の根拠を探して正解を絞り込む ③see things and convey the message uniquely(独特な方法でものを見てメッセージを伝える)稿を正確に読むことを求められていました)とあるように、これはアナウンサーの仕事の内容である。1015 ①acted as a clever child like everyone else(ほかのみんなのように賢い子どもとして振る舞った) ②tried to act differently from others(ほかの人と違った振る舞いをしようとした) ▶上記①の参照箇所にあるように、サヘルはほかのみんなと同じように振る舞おうとした。20 ③ was told to be quiet by a kind woman who visited her (彼女を訪れた親切な女性からおとなしくするように言われた)3. According to paragraph 3, Sahel found her new self when _______.パラグラフ3によると、サヘルは_______ときに新たな自分を発見した。25304. パラグラフ4によると、ラジオのレポーターの仕事でサヘルは_______ことを期待された。ReadingAYou are interested in taking pictures of insects, and you found the following website. Read the notice below and choose the best answer to each question.Insect Photography ClubReadingAYou are doing research on the careers children want to have when they grow up. You found two articles below on a website. Read them and choose the best answer to each question.太字の単語や点線の熟語 → 別冊「入試頻出語彙ノート」p.10Two people are chatting online. Read the conversation below and choose the best answer to each question.You are looking at a movie review site. Read it and choose the best answer to each question.1. Why does Alisha want to visit Sunny Hill Animal Hospital? 2. Why does Judy ask Alisha for her phone number?1 To give Alisha information about animal care. 2 To let Alisha know if she can visit or not. 3 To tell Alisha if they have found her pet. 4 To introduce Alisha to someone who can help. did watch all of the trailers, you would be surprised at the twist ending.Galaxy Wars (2024)Running Time: 136 min. | Action & Adventure | July 9, 2024 (USA)STORYLINE:Charlotte and the Candy Factory (2024)Running Time: 115 min. | Kids & Family, Fantasy | July 21, 2024 (UK)STORYLINE:1. Which movie does the statement below refer to? Write “1” for Galaxy Wars, “2” for Real Life English( )( )( )Hello! My name is Alisha, and I’m a student. May I ask you a question?I’d like to visit your hospital this weekend. Would that be OK?4572AlishaBrownAlishaBrownAlishaBrownAlishaBrownimagine that many diverse cultures exist. Here in the U.S., our cultural landscape has been shaped by Native Americans and by African, Latin American, *Polynesian, Asian, and Middle Eastern countries. This is the reason 2. that the term “melting pot” fits our country, 3. as different cultures have contributed distinct flavors. While we adapted to most cultural norms here in the U.S., some of us have kept 5. a few from our origin. This has been the marvel of this country; 6. it lets you assimilate easily into its culture, while keeping your distinct identity. To me, cultural diversity means merging different cultures — 7. introducing good aspects of your culture to others, but also incorporating the *superlatives of a new culture. (149 words)英文解釈not only A but also BのバリエーションTo me, cultural diversity means merging different cultures ̶ A[introducing good aspects 1. Which of the following statements is true about the people helping IPC?2. If you are a Dragonfly member, you can .3. After being a membership holder for one year, you can .Real Life English11 pay less for your membership2 become a Butterfly member for $213 receive a photobook for free4 start to work for IPC as a photographer Judy MillerJudy MillerJudy MillerLook at the table on page 44 and write sentences to explain the differences among the three different levels of membership. Judy MillerReal Life EnglishMOVIEVIEWS.COMREVIEW: An Incredible Movie, Far Beyond Expectations Could've Been Better 46Worth seeing if you have time 1 get postcards and watch video clips on the website2 view the photo library and go to talks given by scientists3 receive video messages and hear lectures about insects4 get magazines for free and go to parties held by IPC Hi, Alisha. I’m Judy, a nurse at Sunny Hill Animal Hospital. Please go ahead.Does your pet need treatment?Well… I don’t have a pet. But I’d really like to learn more about working with animals. I want to watch the doctors and nurses to find out about their different jobs.Oh, I see now! I don’t know if we can let people do that–we don’t usually get visits from people who don’t have pets. I’ll ask the doctor tomorrow if you can come, Writingand I’ll let you know. Could you give me your phone number?Thank you so much. My phone number is 542-609-4073.OK. No problem. Bye for now.A young boy sets out on an adventure with an old knight named Obi-Yun Kinobi as his teacher to save Princess Seeya from the evil Dirk Raider and destroy the Killer Planet built by the Empire which has the power to destroy the entire galaxy.ReadingBilly Bonka gets the idea to let five children into his candy factory. He puts five golden tickets in five separate candy bars among millions of them. The fifth ticket goes to a very special girl, named Charlotte. She joins the rest of the children to experience the most amazing factory ever.By G. Lucius July 10, 2024This movie had me on the edge of my seat right from the beginning. Even if you By J.J. July 11, 2024The acting was OK, but the story is where it went wrong. The movie was kind of boring until Obi-Yun showed up, and his sarcastic remarks were funny. After Obi-Yun dies, the movie dies with him.By T. Burt July 22, 2024This movie was better than I expected. Not only was it funny, but it was also very By J. D. July 25, 2024▶ 17〜18行目に、They accepted me for who I was. At that moment I felt I was reborn from my “temporary self” to my “true self.”(彼らはありのままの私を受け入れてくれたのです。その瞬間、私は「仮の自分」から「本当の自分」に生まれ変わったように感じました)とある。The songs are catchy, and I liked what happened to the bad kids. If you like ①one of her teachers recognized her cleverness(先生の一人が彼女の賢さを認めた) ③ she entered high school and met new teachers and classmates (彼女が高校に入学して新しい先生やクラスメイトに会った)( )( )→ p.173: New Words 英英語義→ p.179: New Words 英英語義Real Life English1239645▶本文音声▶本文フレーズ読み音声英文解釈10通常レッスン(前述)でリーディング第5・6問に対応したほか、第1〜4問の対策に特化した特別レッスンを4つ用意しました。 SceneReading共通テスト対策も万全
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