Heartening Ⅲ 英語教科書のご案内 + ダイジェスト

1 can live with few worries about their life2 don’t pay for any service they receive3 have to support each other to make a living4 have made the government create a healthy country 2526 4252530303535404045455050l. 4 colones コロン(コスタリカの通貨)SceneReadingQuestions         and         .4. According to paragraphs 2 and 3, which statement is NOT true? After listening to the news program, you started to collect information about “case studies in happiness” and found three passages below.Pre-ReadingChoose three keywords from the list below to fill in the blanks. 87people feeling safe, comparatively healthy, and free of most of life’s biggest worries, while providing an environment where most people can still make a living. (292 words)Passage B 1 Sidse Clemmensen in Denmark lives a purposeful life. She’s a sociologist, a job that challenges and engages her every day. With a loving partner and three young children, she lives in a solidly united co-housing community with other families. Each family owns a small Lego-like house, but together they share a huge garden, laundry room, and dining hall, where they can opt into communal meals. The co-housing complex offers an elegant mix of private and public, an apt metaphor for Danish society as a whole, with its emphasis on trust and community. 2 She grew up believing she has the right to health care, education, and a financial safety net. She says, “I know that nothing too bad can happen to me.” People work hard in Denmark, but on average less than 40 hours a week, with at least five weeks of vacation a year. The price for such lavish benefits is one of the world’s highest income tax rates. This system makes it possible for a blue-collar worker to earn more than a doctor. 3 Setting aside time for self-fulfillment is another key ingredient of Danish happiness. More than 90 percent of Danes belong to a club or an association, and more than 40 percent volunteer for civic groups. 4 Clemmensen can pursue her passions at work and leisure. She believes that true happiness comes only from a life of meaning—of doing what is worth doing. Researchers measure this by asking respondents whether they “learned or did something interesting yesterday.” In Denmark, a country that has consistently topped Europe’s happiness rankings for half a century, society has evolved to make it easy to live an interesting life. (276 words)Passage C 1 Douglas Foo is a successful entrepreneur, who drives a luxury car and lives in a $10 million house. He’s married, with four well-behaved children who excel at school. He put himself through school working four jobs and started a company that eventually grew into a $59 million multinational enterprise. He works about 60 hours a week between his business and his charity pursuits. He’s earned the respect of his employees, peers, and the larger community. 2 Foo—with all his ambition and accomplishments—represents the “life satisfaction” strand of happiness. Social scientists often measure this type of happiness by asking people to rate their lives on a scale of zero to 10. Experts also call this evaluative happiness. Internationally it’s considered the gold standard metric of well-being. 5555Singapore has most consistently ranked top in Asia for life satisfaction. 3 Success for Singaporeans lies at the end of a well-defined path: follow the rules, get into the right school, land the right job, and happiness is yours. (It’s traditionally summed up as the five C’s: car, condominium, cash, credit card, and club membership.) In a system that aspires to be a meritocracy, talent and performance are rewarded, in theory. 6060However, to achieve this type of happiness can take years, and it often comes at the expense of enjoying moment-to-moment daily pleasures. (218 words)Regarding Passage A1. In paragraph 2, the phrase “I couldn’t be happier” (l.10) is closest in meaning to “ .” 2. According to paragraphs 3 and 4, people in Costa Rica . Regarding Passage B3. According to paragraph 1, the co-housing community is balancing 1 I am very happy2 I wasn’t happy but now I am happy3 I am not happy4 I will not become happy 1 Danish people pay very high income tax to enjoy their life.2 Most Danish people engage in volunteer activities.3 Danish people can take at least 35 days of vacation a year.4 The vast majority of Danish people are members of a club or an association. ( )( ) ( )(noun) = a game used to make money by buying numbered tickets(noun) = a group of people who live in the same area(verb) = to give money to someone because he/she did something good[ belonging / charge / community / lottery / path / reward ]Passage A 1 Who is the world’s happiest person? It may be Alejandro Zuniga, a man who lives in Costa Rica, Central America. He sells vegetables at the market. 2 One day, poor Zuniga won the lottery and received 50 million colones (then about 93 thousand dollars). As he’d become rich, his fellow vendors assumed he would quit his job 5and live a new, more affluent life. Later, however, he was giving away his fortune: a million colones to the friend who’d sold him the lottery ticket, a million to a food stall owner who’d fed him in lean times, and another million to a market beggar he knew. The rest he gave to his mother and relatives. Within a year he was broke again. And yet, he insisted, “I couldn’t be happier.” 1010 3 Many Costa Ricans enjoy the pleasure of living daily life to the fullest in a place that mitigates stress and maximizes joy. Scientists call this type of happiness experienced happiness or positive affect. Consider Zuniga’s situation. Although he has no car, no expensive jewelry, no fine clothes, or big electronics, he doesn’t need any of those things for happiness or a sense of self-esteem. 1515 4 He lives in a country that, for most of the past century, has believed in supporting every citizen. In the late 19th century, Costa Rican law made primary school mandatory for every child. The 1940s brought the beginnings of social security and an end to the army. The government has been pushing for legislation on universal health care, leading to free primary care clinics in most villages. In short, Costa Rica’s social system leaves 2020→ p.177: New Words 英英語義Reading Strategy1. [Passage A]パラグラフ   にある,時間的順序を示す語句3つを四角で囲みましょう.(→ p.15)86Reading Strategy2. [Passage B]meaning (l.40) を言い換えた表現に下線を引きましょう.(→ p.14)Reading Strategy3. [Passage C]a well-defined path (l.57) を言い換えた表現2つに下線を引きましょう.(→ p.14)88●❶●❷●❸●❶ Pre-Reading 英文中の3つのキーワードを、問題形式で確認します。 ●●❷ 本文 海外メディアや実際の入試問題に掲載された英文などを読みます。【共通テスト新形式にも対応!】 ここで取り上げた紙面のように、複数のパッセージを読んで情報を統合・整理する必要のある長文も用意しました。これは、大学入試センターが公表した共通テスト試作問題(2025年からの新形式)と類似したパターンとなっています。 ●❸ Reading Strategy ディスコースマーカーに印をつけたり、トピックセンテンスなどに線を引いたりします。 ●❹●❹ Questions 四択問題(8題)と短答式問題(2題)に取り組みます。 リーディング力を飛躍させる

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