Heartening Ⅲ 英語教科書のご案内 + ダイジェスト

42魚555 22長文読解に活かす!自由英作文に活かす!Reading Strategy1. パラグラフ   で筆者の意見を述べている文に下線を引きましょう.(→ p.20)2. alternative protein sourcesの例を述べているパラグラフの番号に○をつけましょう.(→ p.10)3. パラグラフ     にある例示・列挙のディスコースマーカーをすべて四角で囲みましょう.(→ p.16)▼書き方の例食べたくない人がいる環境によい植物由来の肉昆虫肉より健康によさそう将来のタンパク質健康によい動物を殺さない漁獲量が減っているPlant-based meat is the best protein source for the future.It is healthy and we can choose from various kinds of sources.It is made from soybeans, potatoes, coconut oil, and so on. It is much more eco-friendly than regular meat.It requires 87 % less water and 96 % less land to produce than animal meat.We should choose plant-based meat as a future protein source.After speaking about the topic, you were told to hand in a short report by your home economics teacher.Q What do you think is the best protein source for the future? Step 1Mapping _前のページで得たアイデアをヒントに,テーマから連想される言葉を書き出す▼書き方の例Step 2 Focusing _書き出した言葉の中から必要なものを絞り込む(下で使うものに印をつける)Step 3 Outlining _論理的な流れになるように,それぞれの文を大まかに書く O opinion:意見を明確に述べる文 R reason:意見をサポートする適切な理由を述べる文 E example or explanation:理由の根拠となる適切な具体例や説明を述べる文 O opinion:表現を変えて意見をもう一度述べたり,意見を一般化したり,提案を述べたりする文Step 4 Drafting _説明不足の部分を補ったり,わかりづらい部分を修正したりしながら,下書きを作るStep 5 Improving _内容がわかりやすいかクラスメイトに意見をもらったり,語彙や文法の誤りを自分で見つ7782ethical reasons can enjoy it too. 4 Another exciting possibility is meat grown by scientists in the lab. In 2013, Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University created the world’s first lab-grown hamburger. The people who sampled it thought it looked and tasted virtually like the real thing. Lab-grown meat is produced by extracting some cells from a cow or pig and growing them in the lab. In a few weeks these cells develop into a thick piece of meat consisting of muscle fiber and fat. This is then formed into patties or nuggets. Lab-grown meat has several advantages. There is no need to kill animals. There is also no risk of harmful bacteria getting into the meat, since it’s grown in very clean conditions. Moreover, it has a much smaller environmental footprint than conventional meat. The problem is the cost. Professor Post’s first lab-grown hamburger cost 35 million yen to produce in 2013. Today that’s dropped to 1,200 yen per burger and scientists are making every effort to lower it. 5 Another meat alternative in the spotlight these days is insects. In 2013, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recommended insects as an alternative protein source, for several reasons. First, more than 1,900 insect species are traditionally consumed worldwide—including in Japan, where locusts and wasp larvae are customarily eaten in some local areas. Second, many insects are rich in protein and minerals, and so they’re highly nutritious. Lastly, eating insects has little impact on the environment. The amount of food required to produce one kilogram of cricket meat, for example, is just a tenth of that required to produce a kilogram of beef. Many people feel disgusted about eating insects, but recently insect-based foods have started appearing in more appetizing forms. One Japanese company, for instance, now sells insect-based snacks, such as crackers and cookies made from powdered crickets. 6 Real meat is unlikely to be completely replaced any time soon. The meat we eat in the future will probably consist of a combination of all the above. One expert on plant-based meat says, “50 years from now, the science-driven food will taste better and be cheaper than the animal-derived food. We’re starting to move in the right direction, but the question is, are we moving fast enough? Can we establish a way to meet global protein demand in a sustainable manner before a protein crisis occurs?” (692 words)45(noun) = a substance in food such as meat that is necessary for the body(noun) = animals such as cows or pigs that are kept on a farm(adjective) = able to continue without harming the environment[ developing / livestock / mineral / protein / slaughter / sustainable ]→ p.8: パラグラフの構成O R E R E O けたりしながら,文章を整える→ p.176: New Words 英英語義After listening to the conversation, you started to collect information about a “protein crisis” and found the following article.Pre-ReadingChoose three keywords from the list below to fill in the blanks. 1 The world’s population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, and that is a lot of mouths to feed. Moreover, meat consumption is steadily increasing in emerging countries as living standards rise. Experts predict that the world could face a “protein crisis” by 2030. There will no longer be enough protein to meet global demand. 2 How can we solve this problem? It’s common to think of producing more meat to 5increase supply. However, breeding more beef cattle and pigs isn’t the answer because expanding livestock farming would increase the burden on the environment. For one thing, current livestock production requires vast amounts of grain and water. It takes ten kilograms of feed and 22,000 liters of water to produce one kilogram of beef. Livestock farming also requires farmland for growing feed crops and extensive grasslands for the 1010animals to graze on, which leads to the destruction of forests. Considering this issue, we need to find alternative protein sources to meat instead of relying only on livestock. 3 One possibility is plant-based meat. Meat substitutes made from tofu have been around for decades, but now newer plant-based products are increasingly popular with health-conscious consumers. One start-up company in the United States makes burger 1515patties from soybeans, potatoes, and coconut oil. The company analyzes meat protein at the molecular level to determine what it consists of, and then reproduces the meaty flavor by recreating the same combination using plant-based ingredients. Plant-based meat is much more eco-friendly than regular meat. According to one study, plant-based meat requires 87 percent less water and 96 percent less land to produce than conventional 2020meat. It has other advantages as well. Its taste, texture, and nutritional content can be precisely adjusted. Also, because no animals are slaughtered, people who are vegan for 76252530303535404045455050Reading Strategy1. パラグラフ   で筆者の意見を述べている文に下線を引きましょう.(→ p.20)2. alternative protein sourcesの例を述べているパラグラフの番号に○をつけましょう.(→ p.10)3. パラグラフ     にある例示・列挙のディスコースマーカーをすべて四角で囲みましょう.(→ p.16)SceneReadingSceneWrite your opinion in a paragraph.Writing4577 5 Another meat alternative in the spotlight these days is insects. In 2013, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recommended insects as an alternative protein source, for several reasons. First, more than 1,900 insect species are traditionally consumed worldwide—including in Japan, where locusts and wasp larvae are customarily eaten in some local areas. Second, many insects are rich in protein and minerals, and so they’re highly nutritious. Lastly, eating insects has little impact on the environment. The amount of food required to produce one kilogram of cricket meat, for example, is just a tenth of that required to produce a kilogram of beef. Many people feel disgusted about eating insects, but recently insect-based foods have started appearing in more appetizing forms. One Japanese company, for instance, now sells insect-based snacks, such as crackers and cookies made from powdered crickets. 6 Real meat is unlikely to be completely replaced any time soon. The meat we eat in the future will probably consist of a combination of all the above. One expert on plant-based meat says, “50 years from now, the science-driven food will taste better and be cheaper than the animal-derived food. We’re starting to move in the right direction, but the question is, are we moving fast enough? Can we establish a way to meet global protein demand in a sustainable manner before a protein crisis occurs?” (692 words)1535404550『FACTBOOK Ⅱ』 Thinking Logicallyのコーナー (Teacherʼs Bookより抜粋) 『Heartening Ⅲ』 Scene 4: Writingのコーナー (教科書本冊より抜粋) 桐原書店の英語教科書は、科目間でトピックなどの内容につながりを持たせているのが大きな特長で、両方採択された先生方からご好評をいただいております。『Heartening Ⅲ』では『FACTBOOK』と同様のステップを踏んでの自由英作文が可能に。アイデア整理から文の組み立て・修正までできるようにしました。扱っている形式(意見文・説明文・描写文など)やトピックも、多くのレッスンで共通しています。 各レッスンで、学んだストラテジーを実践同時使用で学びがつながる&深まる!入試頻出英文の「型」を明示

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