⑤「強盗のターゲットになりやすい」太字の文を加筆13BD ①I believe it is better to live in the countryside, so I would like to discuss the advantages of living there in terms of the surroundings and living costs. ②As for the surroundings, I think the countryside is clearly better. ③It is easy to enjoy nature, clean water, and even fresh air. ④Regarding living costs, living in the countryside is definitely cheaper. ⑤First and foremost, housing costs are much lower. ⑥Groceries are also cheaper at local stores. ⑦In conclusion, I feel that it is better to live in the countryside for two main reasons: the natural beauty and the lower living costs.Strategy 1Strategy 2Strategy 6O opinionReading & Writing Mountain lions, wolves, bears, and other animals have found that cities are excellent places to get food. For wild animals, leftovers 1The main reason is food. 2For example, they peck at sacks of garbage in the morning, spreading trash all over A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( )充実のビジュアル解説&入試形式の確認問題⑤「毎晩,星が見られる」⑥「都会では街灯のせいで見られな⑪「それなら都会の会社から十分な⑫「結論として,美しい自然と生活費の安さから,田舎で生活するのがよい」⑬「自然の中でストレスのない生活をA日常的に楽しむことができる」Conclusion(結論)Introduction(序論)Body(本論) the stores are staffed by only one clerk, and that is risky for security reasons. ⑤Those stores can be easy targets for robbers. ⑥In conclusion, we should limit the 24-hour service of convenience stores so that we can have an environment-friendly, healthier, and safer lifestyle.③As for the surroundings, I think the countryside is clearly better. ④It is easy to enjoy nature, clean water, and even fresh air. ⑤Also you can see the bright stars in the dark sky every night. ⑥This is almost impossible in a big city because of all the city lights. Reading & Writing⑦Regarding living costs, living in the is definitely cheaper.⑧First countryside and foremost, housing costs are much lower. ⑨Groceries are also cheaper at local stores. ⑩Although there are fewer workplaces in the countryside, today we can work at home by using a computer which is connected to the internet. ⑪So we can get a sufficient salary from a company in a city.⑫In conclusion, I feel that it is better to live in the countryside for two main reasons: the natural beauty and the lower living costs. ⑬We can enjoy a stress-free life in nature on a daily basis.Bears are moving out of the forests into the suburbs of New Jersey. now live closer to them than at any time in the history of the U.S. Why?in garbage cans are great meals. Many animals hunt through them just as they would hunt for food in the wild.CBoston for the first time in 200 years. In New Jersey the bear population has grown by about twenty times in the last thirty years to around 3,300.This phenomenon is not limited to America. In Japan, crows have moved into the cities, and this affects people’s daily lives. At first, urbanization reduced contact between people and wild animals, but now it is bringing them together again. How can we learn to live together with these new neighbors?city streets. controlling idea ①I often go to convenience stores, but I donʼt think they need to be open 24 hours for two reasons. ②First, 24-hour service is clearly a waste of energy. ③They use so much electricity at night, even if they have few customers. ④Second, since there are fewer customers late at night, sometimes Topic Sentence(主題文) ①「コンビニエンスストアの24時間営業は不 Supporting Sentences(支持文) ②「エネルギーの無駄遣いである」③「夜間,客が少なくても電気を使う」④「夜間は店員が少ないので,安全上リスク Concluding Sentence(結びの文) ⑥「環境や健康・安全のために,24時間営 Wild animals that once fled from humans There are black bears in the suburbs of 101088①「田舎と都会それぞれに長所と短所がある」②「私は田舎での生活のほうがよいと思う」O③「周囲の環境という点で田舎はよい」④「自然やきれいな水や空気がある」い」⑦「生活費を考えると田舎のほうが安くてよい」⑧「家賃がとても安い」E⑨「日用品が地元の店で安く買える」⑩「職場は少ないが,在宅勤務をすればよい」給料をもらえる」Exercise次の文章の空所A~Dに入る最もふさわしい文を,下の1~4から選びなさい.1717Reading & Writing 要だと思う理由が2つある」 が高くなる」業は制限したほうがよい」11111114エッセイ(essay)とは,1つの主題について,複数のパラグラフを用いて論理的に書かれた文章のことです.1つのパラグラフでは書ききれない主題の場合,複数のパラグラフに分けて主題を説明すると,読み手は理解しやすくなります.▼1パラグラフの意見文を拡張し,4パラグラフのエッセイにする場合の加筆例1パラグラフ4パラグラフO R E R E O B background information:背景となる情報を加筆O opinion ※エッセイの場合,この文は thesis statement(論旨)とも呼ばれるR reason E example or explanation E example or explanation:例や説明を加筆R reason E example or explanation E example or explanation:例や説明を加筆O opinion ※エッセイの場合,この文は thesis restatement(論旨の再主張)とも呼ばれるF final statement:最後に伝えたいことを加筆1パラグラフの例(102 words)パラグラフ(paragraph)とは,複数の文で構成され,1つの主題(topic)についてまとまった内容を表す文章の基本的な単位のことです.パラグラフの構成 Introductory Sentence(導入文) — 省略することが多い Topic Sentence(主題文) — 冒頭に置くことが多い主題であるtopicと,それについてどの様な観点で述べるかを示すcontrolling ideaを含める.主題文には,一般的すぎる(too broad)内容も,詳細すぎる(too narrow)内容も適さない. Supporting Sentences(支持文) — 通常は複数の文で構成する主題について詳しく説明する.文どうしのつながり(cohesion)や文章全体の一貫性(coherence)を損ねないようにする. Concluding Sentence(結びの文) — 省略する場合もあるパラグラフ全体を締めくくる.主題文を別の表現で言い換えたり,支持文の内容をまとめたり,自分の意見や感想を伝えたりする.1パラグラフの例(97 words)topic①We have the choice of living in the countryside or in a city, and both places have their advantages and disadvantages. ②I believe it is better to live in the countryside, so I would like to discuss the advantages of living there in terms of the surroundings and living costs. 何かの事象の原因を考え,そしてその結果どういうことが起きたかを説明する場合には,次のようなディスコースマーカー(つなぎ言葉)を用います.❶because... since... as...「なぜなら,…なので」❷ Thereasonis... That’sbecause...「その理由としては…」❸ becauseof~ dueto~「~のために」 thanksto ~ 「~のおかげで」❹ so「だから」therefore/thus「したがって」 asaresult「その結果」 That’swhy...「そういうわけで…」 forthis/thatreason「この/その理由で」3As a result, wild creatures have become a common sight in urban areas. 4Raccoons are making their homes in parks and backyards. 意見文で必須の要素O opinionR reasonE example or explanation実践 → p.138: Reading Strategy 1. などエッセイの構成4パラグラフの例(199 words)24パラグラフの構成原因・結果Strategy 1 パラグラフの構成Strategy 2 エッセイの構成Strategy 3 表現の言い換えStrategy 4 時間的順序Strategy 5 例示・列挙Strategy 6 原因・結果Strategy 7 比較・対照Strategy 8 譲歩・打ち消しStrategy 9 事実と意見の区別教科書巻頭で9つの“Reading & Writing Strategy”を学習読解にも英作文にも役立つ
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