Heartening Ⅲ 英語教科書のご案内 + ダイジェスト

→教科書 p.83B28%❶以下の文は、教科書のリスニング問題のスクリプトから内容的に重要な部分を抜き出したものです。 B1. 1 The speaker has bought a ticket. 2 The speaker is leaving London. 3 The speaker is thinking about buying a ticket. 4 The speaker will not get on the next train. 2 The speaker wants to look inside a hotel on Palm Island. 3 The speaker wants to stay at a hotel on Palm Island again. 4 The speaker wants to work at a hotel on Palm Island. 113136242461BD. 1. The purpose of this interview is .A33%C9%Listen to the sentences and choose the one that best matches the situation in each sentence.2. 1 The speaker wants to find a hotel on Palm Island.3. 1 Becky decorated a cake for her friend’s birthday. 2 Becky will have her birthday cake tomorrow. 3 Sarah is going to put some fruit on a cake tomorrow. 4 Sarah will start to make a birthday cake today. 4. 1 The students will borrow more books from the library. 2 The students lent the other students some books. 3 The students returned some books to the library. 4 The students have to return the books borrowed from the library. Describe the pictures in Q1 and Q2 on page 42.1. Make pairs. One person chooses one picture in Q1 and describes it. The other person guesses which picture is described.モノローグや対話(インタビュー)の聞き取り/グラフ入りの記事の読み取りListeningAYou are listening to a student news broadcast at a school in the U.S. Listen to the explanation about the graph below and choose the most appropriate answer to fill in the blanks from A to D.SpeakingYou are listening to a radio show. In this show, the personality is interviewing the staff of four different cafés. Listen to the interview and choose the best answer to each question.Which of the four sandwiches in Listening B would you like to eat? Work in pairs and share your ideas.Speaking2. Take turns. One person chooses one picture in Q2 and describes it. The other person guesses which picture is described.Second-Year Students’ Summer Plans5%Staying home25%1 Work experience program abroad2 Taking a trip abroad3 Work experience program within the U.S.4 Summer jobA ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( )944295( )( )( )( )43NOTE→ p.178: New Words 英英語義1 to encourage more restaurants to open in the town2 to research what the food culture in the town is like3 to select a popular meal to use in a promotion4 to let people know more about the four famous cafés 2. Which of the following statements is true of Central Bites?it slowly.1 They cover the meat for their sandwiches with a secret mix of spices after roasting 2 Their most popular sandwich is unlikely to be available in the afternoon without an online reservation.3 A classic variety of sandwiches made with some sweet ingredients are served at 4 Understanding customers’ sandwich preferences has allowed them to develop a good reputation. ( )their café.3. What is true about the four cafés’ most popular sandwiches?1 One café allows customers to make their own sandwiches.2 Two cafés add traditional spice mixes to their sandwiches.3 Three cafés only mention sandwiches containing meat.4 None of the cafés serve their sandwiches with side dishes. ( )( )Name of caféCentral BitesSantiago’sSandwich HeavenHossein’sFeatures of their sandwichesENG短い発話の聞き取り/ウェブサイトやチャットの読み取りListeningAListen to the sentences and choose the picture that best matches the situation in each sentence.1. ( ) 2. ( ) 太字の単語や下線の熟語 → 別冊「入試頻出語彙ノート」p.14Real Life English5語3語motivations for working?5語6語4語Real Life English4語6語in defining happiness.2. 3. 4. 5. You 6. From these factors, 7. as shown. continuous medical care. a company employee, happiness, right?, 4語 your six key variables a long life your goal , and 設問のイラストを描写したり、聞き取った内容を基に考えや意見を述べるタスクも収録 イギリス英語・ アジア英語も収録 設問はすべて英語表記。一般的な模試(指示文が日本語)とは異なり、「英語を英語で教える」授業展開が可能 103語2語6語4語▶この見開きのタスク音声(ノーマル/ハイスピード)▶教科書のリスニング問題音声 (ノーマル/ハイスピード)Different Types of Happiness音声を聞いて、空所に入る語句を書き取りなさい。1. The report calculated a 通常レッスン(前述)でリスニング第5・6問に対応したほか、第1〜4問の対策に特化した特別レッスンを4つ用意しました。 Sceneハイスピード音声で 究極のトレーニングを通常レッスンのリスニング問題には、ハイスピード版の音声もご用意しました(指導用CDに収録。WorkbookのQRコードからもアクセス可)。機械的にスピードを変更したものではなく、ネイティブスピーカーが早口で読み上げているため、自然な音声変化となっているのが特長です。これを使ったOverlappingやShadowingを生徒に課すことで、「英語の耳」を鍛え上げることができます。 アメリカ英語とイギリス英語の 聞き比べができる 上記の特別レッスンでは、すべてのリスニング問題に対してアメリカ英語とイギリス英語の音声を両方用意しました。同じ問題を1回目はアメリカ英語で、2回目はイギリス英語で聞かせる、といった指導展開も可能です(通常レッスンでも課の状況設定に応じて、イギリス英語やアジア英語を取り入れています)。Listening3共通テスト対策も万全

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