Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

45話の要点Do you think Japan should apply the tipping system?What are the advantagesand disadvantages?STEPSTEPSTEPMasaki asks his roommates about the tipping system. Listen to their story and fill in the blanks on the list in Japanese. Carlos Raful TimothyWork in pairs/groups and discuss the following topic. After the discussion, share the ideas with other classmates.116MasakiCarlosTimothyRaful主人公になったつもりで周囲の人たちの意見を聞き,自分の考えを深めます.STEP 2〜4で得た情報をヒントにして,クラスでディスカッションをします.

元のページ  ../index.html#68
