Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

Alpine desert community (above 3,350 m)The area appears to be almost completely barren of life, but in fact, this unique ecological community supports more than 40 insects adapted to harsh conditions. Alpine shrubland community (2,896-3,350 m)Natural historyEstimated at one million years old, Mauna Kea is an active volcano that last erupted 4,500 years ago. There were 3 periods of glaciation during the past 200,000 years.Taking care of the landMauna Kea has historic sites and natural resources, so appropriate and respectful behavior is expected.■Do not injure, remove, or kill any plants or animals.■Appreciate the spectacular view and peacefulness of Mauna Kea.■Do not move or remove any rocks, altars, or offerings. Do not pile or stack rocks.■Avoid introducing non-native species. Please clean hiking shoes, clothing, lava[l!\v6]glacier [gl鈃6R]appreciate[6prí\ƒièˆt]hiking[háˆkˆ©]ant[@nt]notify [nóÜt6fàˆ]Listen to the sentences and circle T if the sentence is true. Circle F if the sentence is false. (a) T/F (b) T/F (c) T/F (d) T/FMake your own T/F statement based on the information above.Ask your partner whether your statement is true or not.The area begins above the tree line and supports shrubs that are able to withstand the cold and dry environment.and vehicles before arriving. If you see any ants, please notify a Ranger immediately. Hot lava that came out beneath glaciers was quickly frozen and remain preserved in ice for several thousand years. This provided the ideal material to make sharp-edged tools. Historic originsArchaeological surveys have identified hundreds of historic spots on Mauna Kea including burial sites and places with stone tools.altar[$\lt6R]ranger[réˆnDΩ6R]113SilverswordNew Wordsalpine [@lpàˆn]barren[bérAn]shrub [ƒr%b]withstand [wˆøst@nd]Wekiu Bugecological[ì\k6l!\dΩˆkAl]adapt[6d@pt]estimate[ést6mèˆt]glaciation [gl舃i鈃An]respectful [rˆspéktfAl]appropriate[6próÜpri6t]spectacular[spekt@kj6l6R]shrubland [ƒr%bl™nd]historic[hˆst$\rˆk]offering [$(\)fArˆ©]stack [st@k]Heritage and natural resources guide on Mauna Kea8

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