Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

❶■Three students are discussing the idea, “Progress in science is more important than keeping old traditions alive.” Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.❷■You are going to express your position about the idea, “Progress in science is more 1. Choose the person who agrees with the idea. You may choose more than one person.(a) Naoki2. Choose the appropriate reason or comment each person gives. You may choose more than one option.Naoki : ( )Hannah: ( )Josh : ( )(a) We can know more about ourselves and the world.(b) Our lives become more convenient because of science.(c) People can be united by traditions.important than keeping old traditions alive.”1. State your position with a reason.I agree with the idea. It is because .I disagree with the idea. It is because .2. Listen to what your classmates say and take notes. Then tell them what you think.3. Make a group of four and do a ping-pong debate.See pp.158-159 for information on debate rules and procedures.See p.176 for Useful Expressions.(b) Hannah(c) Josh111ForAgainstYou said................................................................................................... I’m for the proposition. / I’m against the idea. The reason why I think so is that...............................................................................................................................................................................................Useful Expressions■■■■賛成・反対を述べ,その理由を説明する■■■を■■る■■■I agree with the idea. / I’m for the proposition.■■■を■■る■■■I disagree with the idea. / I’m against the proposition.■理■を■■る■■■It is because… / The reason why… is that ~■■■が■しい■■の■■■■t rea■■y is a diffic■■t iss■e■but … ■ ■t’s hard to te■■■ ■■t …8

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