Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

Opinion106NewsNew Wordsobservatory[6bz^\Rv6t¢\ri]remarkably[rˆm!\Rk6bAli]disturb[dˆst^\Rb]religious[rˆlÍdΩ6s]irreplaceable[Ìrˆpléˆs6bAl]holy[hóÜli]scattered[sk@t6Rd]shrine[ƒráˆn]burial[béri6l]supporter[s6p$\Rt6R]archaeological[¡\Rki6l!\dΩˆkAl]realm[rélm]occasion[6kéˆΩAn]like a kid in a candy shop ex. ■t was ■y first ti■e in a the■e park■ so ■ fe■t like a kid in a candy shop.7. How many countries are working on a new giant telescope?8. What is the first reason against the construction of TMT?9. What kind of place is the summit of Mauna Kea for Native Hawaiians?3. What do you think of the astronomer’s comment, “Working at TMT would be like beinga kid in a candy shop”?On Hawaii’s highest mountain of Mauna Kea, On Hawaii’s highest mountain of Mauna Kea, there are a■ready ■■ o■ser■atories■ ■■en now■ fi■e countries — the U.S., Canada, China, India, and Japan — are working together on creating a new giant telescope, TMT, there. Mauna Kea is considered a remarkably good place to conduct astronomical studies. One astronomer says, “Working at TMT would be like being a kid in a candy shop.” Only thinkin■ a■o■t the treas■res they wi■■ find thro■■h the telescope, they never think of how we Native Hawaiians honor this mountain. I am strongly opposed to the construction of TMT for three reasons.■he first reason is that ■■■ wi■■ dist■r■ the sacred s■■■it of Mauna Kea. The place holds religious importance for Native Hawaiians. It is an irreplaceable holy site preserved by our ancestors for centuries. There are scattered ruins of shrines, and burial remains near the summit. The supporters of TMT say that they respect our beliefs and have selected a spot that does not have any archaeological sites. However, to us, the whole mountain is the realm of the gods. No one is even allowed to climb up to its summit unless there is a special occasion.55101015152020マウナケア山への望遠鏡建設に反対する人の意見を読みます.

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