Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

■acific [p6sÍfˆk]canoe[k6nú\]astronomer[6str!\n6m6R]observe[6bz^\Rv]starry[st!\ri]devise[dˆváˆz]navigation[n™v6g鈃An]quest[kwést]8 OpinionHawaiian sea voyagers in a canoeNew Wordsstimulate[stÍmj6lèˆt]permanent[p^\RmAn6nt]4. What is the second reason for proceeding with the construction of TMT?5. What is the final reason?6. What enabled the ancestors of Hawaii to come to the islands?2. Why do you think the ancestors of Hawaii came to the islands across the Pacific Ocean?105bring about ~ ex. Daily exercise will bring about positive changes in your life. Secondly, TMT will have a large role in stimulating the economy of Hawaii. In addition to the 300 new jobs for the construction, 140 permanent staff jobs will be created to operate the facility. A large amount of money will be spent on the TMT project, and it will boost the economy.Thirdly, the project accords with the Hawaiian belief called “Imi Ike,” which means “to seek knowledge.” The ancestors of ■awaiica■etotheis■andsacrossthe■acific■ceanoncanoesguided by ancient astronomers. They observed the starry sky for centuries and devised an effective navigation system. Just as the ancient Hawaiians did, we can seek knowledge about the ■ni■ersewiththiste■escope■ ■twi■■definite■yseefar further than any other telescope.TMT will bring about new astronomical discoveries, stimulate the economy, and follow the honored tradition of the Hawaiian people’s quest for knowledge. Therefore, we should proceed with the construction of the telescope. 5510101515

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