Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

❶Fill in the blanks and complete the conversations. Use cannot, must, or should.❷Fill in the blanks and complete the conversations.G1■■詞■have■■■■詞■■■■詞G2■■詞に関■する表現■■■■■■■■■■■■■,■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■を表す.1. I canʼt find my English textbook. I may haveleft it at home.(〜したかもしれない)2. Ted hasnʼt shown up yet. He must have forgotten our appointment.(〜したにちがいない)3. Susan cannot have told a lie. She is an honest person.(〜したはずがない)4. No wonder more and more motorists are saying, “I should have left the car at home!”(〜すべきだったのに(しなかった))→p.36, l.161. If you are out of shape, you had better start exercising.(〜したほうがよい)→p.34, l.112. Itʼs true that some cyclists would rather go faster.(むしろ〜したい)→p.35, l.103. Copenhagenʼs urban planners once used to favor cars over other forms of transportation.(以前は〜だった)→p.37, l.14. Many other cities may well“Copenhagenize.”(〜するのももっともだ)→p.37, l.161. A: The cake in the fridge is gone!B: Bill (     ) (     ) (     ) it. Iʼm sure of it! [ eat ]2. A: Betty has not come yet. I wonder if she got lost.B: She (     ) (     ) (     ) lost. She has come here many times so far. [ get ]3. (Talk about something you regret not doing in the past by following the example.)Example: I lost a tennis match last week. I couldnʼt practice enough because I was busy studying for the exam. I should have practiced more.1. A: Laura looks mad at Jake.B: She at him. He is always skipping brass band practice. (怒るのももっともだ)2. A: Sue, letʼs go to the new Italian restaurant downtown.B: Maybe another time. I      dinner at home.(むしろ家で食べたい)3. (Talk about what you used to do in the past and what you often do now by following the example.)Example: I used to read a lot of fantasy novels when I was in elementary school, but now I read a lot of mystery novels.42Heartening Iで扱わなかった,発展的な文法項目を取り上げています.

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