Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■38100 wpm 100 wpm 120 wpmYou are reading an article about a bicycle-friendly city.You are reading an article about a bicycle-friendly city.Copenhagen: The world’s most bicycle-friendly cityHow often do you ride a bicycle? Some people might say every day, others might say just occasionally. In Japan, 13 percent of trips are made on a bicycle. That’s a comparatively high percentage among the selected countries below.Cycling is attracting a lot of public attention these days. That’s because it’s an eco-friendly form of transportation that emits no greenhouse gases. What’s more, it keeps people healthy. It may prevent you from getting diseases such as diabetes and cancer. If you are out of shape, you had better start exercising, and cycling is a good option. Many European cities have been taking active steps to get people into the habit of cycling. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is a leader among them. It has implemented some unique policies with the goal of becoming the world’s best bike city. (154 words)Let’s find out what exactly Copenhagen has been doing. To begin with, let’s look at the “Green Wave.” As long as cyclists maintain a speed of 20 kilometers per hour, the traffic lights are green all the way during rush hour on major bicycle routes. The road signals are operated simultaneously with the movements of the cyclists. In the past, there was traffic congestion because people were cycling at different speeds. Now everyone cycles at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour, which is a fairly rapid speed. So there is no traffic congestion.It’s true that some cyclists would rather go faster, but they can be a danger to other cyclists, especially during rush hour. The Green Wave makes them travel at a safe speed, because if they go too fast, they’ll get caught at a red light. The Green Wave ensures that everyone cycles at the safest speed without sacrificing efficiency. (153 words) ( ) ( ) ( ) Part 1Part 1Part 1Part 2Part 2Part 2Part 3Part 3Part 4Part 455101015152020本文を見開きで掲載しています.全体の音読をおこない,内容を再確認します.WPMを意識して本文を読んでいきます.100WPMと120WPMでかかる時間を一つの目安として示しています.本文の音声を聞くことができます.本文の音声を聞くことができます.

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