Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

019703 OpinionProtected Bicycle Lane in New Yorktraffic patterns in the city center of Copenhagensource: Copenhagen city of cyclists facts and figures 2017400,000300,000200,000100,00019801990200020102016New Wordssurprisingly[s6Rpráˆzˆ©li]planner[pl@n6R]crisis[kráˆsˆs]revise[rˆváˆz]install[ˆnst$\l]infrastructure[Ínfr6str∞kTƒ6R]downtown[dáÜntáÜn]attractive[6tr@ktˆv]adopt[6d!\pt]Copenhagenization[kòÜpAnheˆgAn6z鈃An]consequently[k!\ns6kwèntli]Copenhagenize[kòÜpAnhéˆgAnaˆz]sustainable[s6stéˆn6bAl]livable[lÍv6bAl]8. What happened to the traffic after Copenhagen installed cycling infrastructure?9. How has the new policy changed New York?4. Do you think your city can become “Copenhagenized”?CarBicycle37Surprisingly, Copenhagen’s urban planners once used to favor cars over other forms of transportation. The oil crisis of the 1970s led them to revise their transportation systems so that they would not have to rely on oil. Since then, the city has been installing cycling infrastructure such as the Green Wave and the Bicycle Snake. As a result, it’s now quicker to go downtown by bicycle than by car. That has led more people to cycle instead of driving.Making cities healthier and more attractive by adopting bike-friendly policies has come to be known as “Copenhagenization.” Even New York is following Copenhagen’s example. It has started locating car parking spaces in the middle of the street. That approach is called the “Protected Bicycle Lane” policy and it prevents vehicles from entering or parking in the bike lane. ■onse■■ent■y■ ■icyc■e traffic has increased ■■■ ti■es■ ■oreo■er■ there are fewer accidents. Many other cities may well “Copenhagenize” as they seek to build more sustainable, livable communities. The Copenhagen model is changing the world for the better.5510101515

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