Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

05NetherlandsDenmarkJapanGermanyAustriaSwitzerlandBelgiumSwedenItalyFranceUKUSApercentage of trips by bicycle in selected countries出典:「自転車交通」(国土交通省,平成27年)■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Opinion34New Wordsout of shape ex. I haven’t been exercising lately, so I’m really out of shape.1. Do people in Japan use bicycles more than people in many other countries?2. Why has cycling been attracting people’s attention these days?3. What is Copenhagen trying to do now?1. Do you like cycling? If you do, what is good about cycling?5%5%2%1%101513%10%9%9%8%7%202527%19%percentage of trips by bicycle (%)30You are reading an article about a bicycle-friendly city.You are reading an article about a bicycle-friendly city.How often do you ride a bicycle? Some people might say every day, others might say just occasionally. In Japan, 13 percent of trips are made on a bicycle. That’s a comparatively high percentage among the selected countries below.Cycling is attracting a lot of public attention these days. That’s because it’s an eco-friendly form of transportation that emits no greenhouse gases. What’s more, it keeps people healthy. It may prevent you from getting diseases such as diabetes and cancer. If you are out of shape, you had better start exercising, and cycling is a good option. Many European cities have been taking active steps to get people into the habit of cycling. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is a leader among them. It has implemented some unique policies with the goal of becoming the world’s best bike city.Copenhagen[kóÜpAnhèˆgAn]occasionally[6kéˆΩAn6li]comparatively[k6mpér6tˆvli]eco-friendly[í\koÜfrénDli]emit[ˆmÍt]greenhouse[grí\nhàÜs]diabetes[dàˆ6bí\ti\z]Denmark[dénm1\Rk]implement[Ímpl6mènt]5510101515CEFR-J A2, B1, B2の単語を太字にしてチェックボックス付きで示しています.New Words,本文の音声を聞くことができます.本文の場面が設定されています.Copenhagen: The world’s most bicycle-friendly city

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