Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

How often do you use a bicycle? What are the advantages and disadvantages of commuting to school by bicycle? Work in pairs and share your ideas.32Objectives•Understand how Copenhagen developed into a bicycle-friendly city, and introduce its Understand how Copenhagen developed into a bicycle-friendly city, and introduce its policies to the class. (→ Retelling Plus ■)•Give a presentation to the class on what we can do to make our town more bicycle-friendly. (→ Communication Activity ■)本文を読んだ後のコミュニケーション活動の内容を,課の冒頭で示しています.コミュニケーション活動を目標にして,能動的に本文を読んでいきます.課のテーマに関する身近な話題を話し合い,題材への興味を引き出します.3

元のページ  ../index.html#42
