Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

What are the women in the two photos above doing? What is the connection between them?Work in pairs and share your ideas.94Objectives•Find some problems in the fashion industry and write a report about them. Find some problems in the fashion industry and write a report about them. (→ Retelling Plus■)•Participate in a mini-debate on cheap shirts and express your opinion about them. (→ Communication Activity ■)写真やタイトルの情報から課のテーマを推測して話し合い,題材への興味を引き出します.本文を読んだ後のコミュニケーション活動の内容を,課の冒頭で示しています.コミュニケーション活動を目標にして,能動的に本文を読んでいきます.7

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