Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

Writing :自分の好きな日本文化について,要点を書くことができる.115 15897Opinion2. What Japanese word do you think has a uniquely beautiful sound?1.Ondrej Hybl comes from the (Austria / Czech / Denmark) Republic.2.(Kabuki / Noh / Kyogen) has lasted for 600 years in Japan.3.He learned how to perform it in (Kyoto / Nara / Osaka).CAN-DOことができる.90members of the kyogen troupe in the Czech Republic and visitors from KyotoThey are performing a traditional Japanese form of comedy. What is it called in Japanese? Then look at the picture and the map on the right page. Which country is it?Europe, and tell it to the classmates. (→ Retelling Plus ■)•Interview a classmate about his/her favorite part of Japanese culture. (→ Communication Activity ■)Look at the photo of the children above. What is your impression of them? Work in pairs and share your ideas.Objectives•Understand what Ms. Yasuda tries to convey through her photojournalism and write an article about her in a school newspaper. (→ Retelling Plus ■)•Play the role of Ms. Yasuda or an interviewer, and interact with one another.A Japanese high school student is going to interview a man named Ondrej Hybl. Listen to the introduction and circle the right word below.Listening :日本文化に関するインタビューを聞いて,話の展開や話し手の意図を理解することができる.Reading :日本文化に関するインタビューを読んで,要点や語り手の意図を理解することができる.Speaking (Interaction) :インタビューで質問することができる.また,質問に答えることができる.Speaking (Production) :日本文化を広める外国人の活動について,情報を整理し,クラスで報告するLook at the photos above. Where do you think the woman is working? Work in pairs and share your ideas.Objectives•Gather information about Ms. Shirakawa and tell it to your friend. •Choose a volunteer activity of an international NGO and write an application form to (→ Retelling Plus ■)participate in it. (→ Communication Activity ■)New Wordstroupe[trú\p]translate[tr@nsleˆt]uniquely[ju(\)ní\kli]somewhat[s%mw∞t]old-fashioned[óÜlDf™ƒAnd]automatically[¢\t6m@tˆkAli]113. What did Mr. Hybl and his fellow performers discuss?4. How does Mr. Hybl choose Czech words when he translates kyogen pieces?in short ex. ■ ■ost ■y wa■■et and co■■dn’t find ■y keys■ In short, I had a bad day.word for word ex.He carefully read the document word for word.142Objectives•Gather information about a man from another country spreading Japanese culture in (→ Communication Activity ■)I heard that you entered a university in Kyoto to study the Japanese language and kyogen.That’s correct. Later I was to start my own kyogen troupe with my fellow performers. There are over 200 kyogen pieces that have been passed down over the centuries. We had many discussions on which to choose.Uh-huh. When you translate them, what do you pay special attention to?Well, kyogen uses ancient Japanese, which has uniquely beautiful sounds, so we try to use words in the Czech language which sound close to them. We also use somewhat old-fashioned Czech. In short, we don’t just automatically translate things word for word.101015本文形式:Webを通じたインタビュー東南アジアなどの貧困地域に暮らす人々の姿を伝え続ける写真家・安田菜津紀さん(Ⅰ-L10)。「国境なき医師団」のメンバーとして,シリアなどの紛争地域の最前線で医療活動を行う白川優子さん(Ⅱ-L7)。日本にいるとなかなか感じづらい,けれど今まさに世界で起きているさまざまなことを見つめる手がかりとして,彼女たちの活動を紹介しています。Laughter without BordersⅠからⅡへ,続いていく想いとストーリー教科横断的な学びでより深い理解へ10L10 Capturing the Reality of the World L7 Nursing in a War ZoneL1Laughter without Borders 海を越えた日本文化は,マンガやアニメだけじゃない。日本人が受け継いできた笑いの文化,狂言をヨーロッパに紹介する活動を続けるチェコ人男性・オンジェイさんにお話をうかがいます。そしてこれを機に,狂言とはどのようなものか調べながら,日本の古語の美しさにふれてみては?Nursing in a War Zonecross-curricularcontinuity

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