Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

→p.97, l.1→p.97, l.16❶ Change the verb into the correct form and complete the conversations. ❷ Write a word for each blank so that the sentences (a) and (b) have almost the same G1SVOC(分詞)G2分詞構文SVOC■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■neglected for a long time. ■■■■→p.97, l.121. A: Clark asked us to meet him here at noon, but he has not come yet.B: Itʼs two oʼclock now! He has kept us (2. A: Something is wrong with my smartphone.B: Really? You just bought it last week. You should have it (3. A: Do you smell something?B: I smell something (A: Oh, I forgot about my toast!4. A: I saw Eddie (B: Eddie? The actor you keep telling me about? Youʼve got to be kidding me!A: No, itʼs true. I saw him (meaning.1. (a) Because the kitten was surprised at the sound of the fireworks, she jumped up.(b) () at the sound of the fireworks, the kitten jumped up. 2. (a) While he was reading the picture book, my little brother fell asleep.(b) () the picture book, my little brother fell asleep.1. The company kept the employees working for eight hours. ■■■■2. In 2013, a factory building collapsed because the factoryʼs owner left the building 3. You may see people at a factory in Bangladesh working in harsh conditions. ■■■■+O+■■■■4. We need to make the situation of the factories known to the world. ■■■■+O+■■■■1. Knowing these facts, would you want to buy a cheap polo shirt from Bangladesh? ■■■■ 2. Having no air-conditioning, the room was very humid. ■■■■■3. Manufactured at a low cost, these shirts are cheap but not so durable. ■■■■■) in the kitchen. ) in front of the station! ) by many people. ) for more than two hours. [burn][walk][surround][wait]). [repair]104従来型の文法指導の配列に則して,各文法項目を扱っています.

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