Heartening English Communication I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

❶■Give a title to each part.❷■Listen to the sentences and circle T if the sentence is true. Circle F if the sentence (b) Clothes manufactured with cheap labor 101Someone in the audience gives his opinion.I would buy the polo shirt made in Bangladesh for three reasons. The main reason is its low price. I exercise a lot and the shirt would get stretched out quickly, so a low-priced shirt is perfectly acceptable for me. The second reason is that I think a cheap polo shirt suits me. I am just a high school student and I’m not interested in wearing high fashion clothes. The third reason is that by buying the shirt, I can help support the lives of people in Bangladesh. Of course, from my point of view, Shilpy’s wages are quite low. However, if we stop buying their products, they will have less work to do. I am afraid that the factories in Bangladesh would close down. For these reasons, I would choose to buy this inexpensive polo shirt. (144 words)Another person in the audience gives her opinion.I would not buy this polo shirt for several reasons. First of all, I don’t feel comfortable in cheap shirts made of low-quality material. I usually choose a good-quality shirt. Also, cheap shirts are not durable, so we have to keep buying new shirts frequently. It is a waste of resources. More than anything else, I don’t want the workers to be exploited. Shilpy’s working conditions are intolerable and she is poorly paid for her work. The business should improve the conditions of the factories and increase the wages of its workers. To sum up, I want to wear a comfortable and long-lasting shirt and select a product that helps improve the lives of the local people. (125 words)(a) Reasons to buy cheap shirts(c) Reasons not to choose cheap shirts (d) Working under poor conditionsis false. is false. (a) T / F (b) T / F (c) T / F (d) T / F(a) T / F (b) T / F (c) T / F (d) T / F ( ) ( ) 5510101515リスニングで本文の概要を確認します. 各Partの要旨を確認します.7

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