Heartening Ⅰ&Ⅱ 英語教科書のご案内

wages terrible accidents happen ( ) 7 74ページぶんの英文が1見開きに1レッスン全部の英文を再掲載! 大意把握や速読にWhole Text ViewLesson 7のアクティビティは立場を決めて賛成・反対意見を言うかんたんなディベート*Activitiesテキストを深く読んで得た英語の学びを,❶Give a title to each part. ❷Listen to the sentences and circle T if the sentence is true. Circle F if the sentence (b) Clothes manufactured with cheap labor 101100 ( ) You are attending a lecture about the fashion industry.Let’s say you want to buy a polo shirt that costs 14 Canadian dollars. How much of that money goes to the garment worker? In 2011, a company in Canada looked into this. These polo shirts are manufactured in Bangladesh, and the production cost for one polo shirt is $5.67. Of that amount, only two percent is paid to the worker; that is one-fifth of the factory owner’s portion. For that $14 shirt, the worker can expect to earn less than one percent of the market price.The polo shirt is made in Bangladesh for a good reason. The apparel maker thinks that the low-priced products will sell well. Therefore, most companies are apt to use workers overseas who work for low wages so that they can produce shirts at a low cost. One month’s salary at the local factory is about 5,000 yen. It is lower than the money a high school student can earn from a part-time job in a day in Japan. (174 words) ( ) You may see people at a factory in Bangladesh working in harsh conditions. A 24-year-old woman named Shilpy has been working in a garment factory for ten years. She has no choice but to work there to raise her two daughters, since her husband is sick and cannot work. She keeps working at the sewing machine for eight hours a day. There is no air-conditioning, and in summer it reaches 40˚C with high humidity. These conditions are harmful to workers’ health.The situation is more awful than you could possibly imagine. Sometimes terrible accidents occur in garment factories in Bangladesh. In 2013, a factory building collapsed because the factory’s owner left the building neglected for a long time. A thousand people were killed in the accident. The disaster is considered to be one of the worst industrial tragedies in history.These are the facts behind the low prices of cheaply manufactured clothes. Knowing these facts, would you want to buy a cheap polo shirt from Bangladesh? (166 words)80 wpm Part 1211Part 2205Part 3148100 wpmPart 1144Part 2140Part 3126Part 4115 ( ) Someone in the audience gives his opinion.I would buy the polo shirt made in Bangladesh for three reasons. The main reason is its low price. I exercise a lot and the shirt would get stretched out quickly, so a low-priced shirt is perfectly acceptable for me. The second reason is that I think a cheap polo shirt suits me. I am just a high school student and I’m not interested in wearing high fashion clothes. The third reason is that by buying the shirt, I can help support the lives of people in Bangladesh. Of course, from my point of view, Shilpy’s wages are quite low. However, if we stop buying their products, they will have less work to do. I am afraid that the factories in Bangladesh would close down. For these reasons, I would choose to buy this inexpensive polo shirt. (144 words)Another person in the audience gives her opinion.I would not buy this polo shirt for several reasons. First of all, I don’t feel comfortable in cheap shirts made of low-quality material. I usually choose a good-quality shirt. Also, cheap shirts are not durable, so we have to keep buying new shirts frequently. It is a waste of resources. More than anything else, I don’t want the workers to be exploited. Shilpy’s working conditions are intolerable and she is poorly paid for her work. The business should improve the conditions of the factories and increase the wages of its workers. To sum up, I want to wear a comfortable and long-lasting shirt and select a product that helps improve the lives of the local people. (125 words)(a) Reasons to buy cheap shirts (c) Reasons not to choose cheap shirts (d) Working under poor conditionsPart 4134is false. (a) T / F (b) T / F (c) T / F (d) T / F5555101010101515151520202525❶Your class will have a mini-debate on “cheap shirts.” The debate topic is “We should ❷Talk about the idea: “We should stop buying cheap shirts” in pairs. 1. Do you agree with the idea or not? Tell your opinion to your partner.stop buying cheap shirts.” Listen to the debate and answer the questions. 1. How many students have the “for” opinion? (a) zero(b) one(c) two (d) three 2. According to the second person, what can happen if we stop buying cheap shirts? (a) rise in workers’ wages(b) improvement in the working conditions(c) profit for the company(d) pay cut for the workers 2. Summarize your partner’s opinion and agree with him/her. 3. Summarize your partner’s opinion and disagree with him/her.Useful Expressions 相手の意見に対する賛否を述べて,その理由を説明する conditions You said .................................................................................................. I agree with you, because ......................................................................................................................................................................................You said .................................................................................................. I don’t agree with you, because .............................................................................................................................................................................10さまざまな活動を通じて強固な英語力に。速読,ペアでの会話や議論,情報処理など……大学入試はもちろん,さらにその先で武器になる知の力と技法を養います。1レッスン,4パートの英文を見開きページひとつにまとめたコーナーです。英文だけを掲載しているので,集中して読む速読の訓練,あるいはさっと読んで大意を把握する練習などが簡単にできます。場合によっては,このコーナーで先に全文の大意を把握しておいてから各パートを深く読んでいく,という使い方もできます。リスニングを足がかりに 多彩な活動へCommunication Activityまずはレッスン本編にかかわりの深い内容の音声を聴き取り,質問に答えるリスニングタスク。続いて,このリスニングの内容に即したさまざまなアクティビティに挑戦します。ミニディベート,インタビュー記事づくり,Webメディアへの投稿………これらをペアになって行うことで,オールイングリッシュの活動も楽しくこなすことができます。

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