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.6026評価A2+評価B1 Step 4 Improving Improve your draft after working on Model Paragraph A and B.[Model Paragraph A] 1) Read the hints in Japanese and write some sentences to complete the paragraph below.[Model Paragraph B] 2) Fill in the blanks to make a better connection between sentences by referring to the “Tips 2019年の状況を述べることで,従来型のエネルギー使用の構成比を説明しようfor Improvement” described below. Tips for Improvement具体例を付け加えると?(①非再生可能エネルギーとして一番多く利用されている資源は?)詳細な説明を付け加えると?(②水力・バイオマスと太陽光・風力を比較すると?)前文の内容について価値判断を行うと?(③太陽光や風力の占める割合に言及すると?)エネルギーの使用状況がどう変わるか,社会的な効果とともに予測を述べよう These data suggest that people will use non-renewable and . However, energy ●A However, energy generation from non-renewable sources will decrease in the future. In This graph shows past trends and forecasts of the composition ratio of non-renewable energy and renewable energy from 2012 to 2050 on a global scale. As of 2019, ①generation from non-renewable sources will decrease in the future. In fact, half of total energy generation is expected to come from renewable sources in 2037, and the proportion will continue to increase after that. ②These data suggest that people will use non-renewable and renewable energy in a mixed way, but This graph shows past trends and forecasts of the composition ratio of non-renewable energy and renewable energy from 2012 to 2050 on a global scale. As of 2019, the percentage of non-renewable energy used was higher than that of renewable energy. ①fact, half of total energy generation is expected to come from renewable sources in 2037, and the proportion will continue to increase after that. ②While the percentage of energy made by hydroelectric and biomass will remain stable, solar energy and wind energy will steadily increase. ③renewable energy in a mixed way, but eventually renewable energy will become the mainstream in a decarbonized society.

元のページ  ../index.html#28
