FACTBOOK English Logic and Expression I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

■It causes poor air and water quality, ■It also makes cities use more electricity because the population is so large and dense. ■City planning with a focus on sustainability will ■We should reduce the number of children as the world’s population continues to grow.●A Lack of enough explanation for the readers(読み手への説明不足)➡ Tip! 大気汚染や水質汚染がもたらす悪影響は?(人間にはどう影響する?)●B A jump in logic between the sentences(文と文との間の飛躍)➡ Tip! 都市の人口過密に伴う大気・水質汚染や増加する電力消費はどのような点で問題?(持続的都市計画を●C Deviation from the main point of the argument(主旨からの逸脱)➡ Tip! 人口抑制は提案された解決策と関連している?(人口増加と関連させて,最後の文で次の世代に向けた計Thinking Logically 2 Well-managed city for the future63be greatly needed.■ City planning with a focus on sustainability will be greatly needed.➡ . Tip! 主語の繰り返しを避け,理由との関連を強くするには?(Itではない主語で始めると? becauseを用い Tip! 説明や言葉が足りない部分は?(どんな都市計画? 何の持続性に焦点を置く?)実施するにあたってのポイントは? 何を持続させる?)画の必要性を強調すると?)ずに因果関係を表すと?)Task 1で見つけた問題点が含まれる文を,ヒントをもとに書き直して改善します。Task 2Rewrite a paragraphTask 2Task 2Task 2Rewrite a paragraphRewrite a paragraphRewrite a paragraphNow that we know the logical gaps in the paragraph, try to solve the problems. To improve ●A and ●B, write what is missing in the space below. To improve ●C, rewrite the original sentence.Task 3Even better!Try to improve the quality of language and logical connections by combining and/or Try to improve the quality of language and logical connections by combining and/or restructuring sentences and adding and/or replacing expressions.■ It also makes cities use more electricity because the population is so large and dense.➡ 文章の一部を推敲し,より言語的・論理的につながりのよい文に書き換えます。

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