FACTBOOK English Logic and Expression I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

1Thinking about our safety, we need more ▶Your request:2We could cycle enjoying the fresh air there.私たちはそこで新鮮な空気を楽しみながら自転車に乗ることができるでしょう。3Can we also suggest that the city add more 市がもっと安い運賃の公共バスを追加することも提案できるでしょうか。 ②■■の■■■■に■る■■す■■■■■を伝えよう■■の■■■■に■る■■す■■■■■を伝えよう■■のための■■■■■■をしよう■■のための■■■■■■をしよう■に■■している■を■■■に■■う■に■■している■を■■■に■■うFact B12Fact A7Fact C1358You are writing a request to the city to solve traffic congestion. Write your request after working on Model Request A.[Model Request A]評価A21) Read the hints in Japanese and write some sentences to complete the request below.Communication Strategy2) Choose the appropriate sentence which makes the sentence in the box more polite.2) Choose the appropriate sentence which makes the sentence in the box more polite.■ I really appreciate you taking the time to read this. ■ Looking forward to hearing from you. ■ Please take care of yourself.bike lanes.public buses with lower fares?Situation市の■■■■■■■■■Task■■の■■■■■の■■■を■■To whom it may concern, I am a resident of Aoba City and have a favor to ask of you. There is traffic congestion during commuting time in our city. I would like to ask you to make public transportation practical.If more people use public buses, we can reduce traffic congestion and that will improve our environment.① Thank you.To whom it may concern, 安全性を考えると,もっと自転車レーンが必要です。Useful Expressions2Write More本Unitでは要望書形式のライティングを行います。相手(読み手)に配慮した適切な表現を学習します。

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