FACTBOOK English Logic and Expression I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

[]12345689Unit7Unit10UnitUnitUnitUnitUnitUnitUnitUnit•■a city full of greenery = more [Unit 4 Is your city sustainable enough?55the bicycle infrastructureRikothe bicycle bridgecommuting by bicycleSingapore’s greening policythe efforts of these sustainable citiesSpeak MoreBased on the information shared and the discussion above, exchange your opinions on making cities sustainable for your future.making cities sustainable for your future.Notes for your discussion:ShunCan-Do!Listen to a DiscussionAfter listening to the presentations, Riko and Shun are discussing the efforts of the two cities. Listen to the discussion and fill in the blanks below.•reduce traffic jams•■people can get around the city safely and[ ]•amazing•enjoy a nice view while cycling →■use bicycles more [ ]•using the bridge → shorten commuting timeif many people use bicycles:cars → decreasethe city →■more [ ]•quite advanced•■making green [as well as parks →■help prevent the effective for:•improving the environment•■making people’s lives richer and [ ]] ] effect■■■■を■■する■■■■■■■■することができる。■■■■を■■する■■■■■■■■することができる。CopenhagenSingapore前ページのプレゼンテーションの内容を踏まえた議論を聞いた後,それを参考にパートナーとディスカッションをする活動です。ここまでの学習内容を踏まえ,話題について自分自身の考えを伝え合います

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