FACTBOOK English Logic and Expression I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

← supporting the development of a new kind of rice171In Africa : rice = eaten regularly much of it was importedBackgroundInformation Card (Role ●B)help grow rice in Africa NERICA : produces large harvests even in dry areaslocal people had no experience with rice farming→ teach them everythingNow:support local agriculture = important to fight hunger the farmers can grow enough NERICA to ... •eat for themselves •make a living by selling itThe results of my health check were not good, so I started to record my meals every day. I found an app which can calculate calories. It also can warn me when I take in too many calories and tell me what nutrients Ilack.Since I was very busy, I took supplements in place of meals. Then I found it difficult to concentrate and got tired more easily. A doctor advised me to eat proper meals because supplements cannot supply all of what my body needs.As I don’t belong to any club in my school, I exercise at home. I always exercise by watching free online videos. Now I’m into yoga, which makes me relaxed. As a result, I’ve been able to concentrate moreon my study. Unit1Speak1B’s InformationSome people talk about their health as follows.Some people talk about their health as follows.Unit2SpeakB’s InformationNERICARole Bの生徒が参照するInformation Cardです。(実際の教科書では,Role Aとは離れたページに掲載しています。)

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