FACTBOOK English Logic and Expression I &Ⅱダイジェスト版

Unit7Unit10UnitUnit 12345689UnitUnitUnitUnitUnitUnit■Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. Unit 1 How should we lead a healthy lifestyle?23Fact AFact BFact CEating sweets while doing your homework(空所を埋めて文を完成させましょう。)1. Eating fast food frequently ( ) ( ) health problems such as obesity.2) Referring to the article above, write some sentences on the topic: “Eating breakfast every day”2. [ is / drink / this / containing / sugar / a lot of ] now more expensive than before.3. [ my health / what / start / for / doing / want / I / to ] is to exercise more. 4. [ French fries / high / that / calories / in / are ] is clear to everyone. 2. ( ) you have an exercise routine ( ) ( ) is an important key to maintaining health. あなたに運動の習慣があるかどうかが健康維持の重要なカギである。3. ( ) ( ) an exercise routine is difficult for someone who is very busy. 忙しい生活を送る人にとって運動習慣を身につけるのは難しい。4. ( ) ( ) ( ) there was a 30% decline in soda sales last year due to the sugar tax. その記事によると,砂糖税の影響で炭酸飲料の売り上げは昨年30パーセント削減した。 [私が最近心配しているのは]put in a lot of effort.competition. ■ Whether you eat sweets or not while doing your homework may have a big influence on your studying. One article says sweets can energize your brain. You may be able to study more efficiently if you eat them. However, there are also downsides to sweets. Eating too many sweets makes you sleepy. Also, sweets can be addictive. It’s important to find a good balance when eating sweets.B: I’m sure you’ll do well. You’ve been practicing for six hours every day. You’ve A: I heard that Makoto, a very good pianist at my high school, will also play in the B: Don’t worry about it. ■砂糖を多く含むこの飲み物は以前よりも値段が高い。健康のために始めたいのはもっと運動することだ。フライドポテトはカロリーが高いということは明らかだ。ファストフードを頻繁に食べると,肥満などの健康問題を引き起こす可能性があります。Grammar in Context■■Fill in the blanks and complete the conversation.(空所を埋めて対話を完成させましょう。)Fill in the blanks and complete the conversation.(空所を埋めて対話を完成させましょう。)A:■ is a big piano competition I have this weekend.[あなたがすべきことは]. [その知らせは私をより緊張させた] is just do your best. ■■1) Read the following article, paying attention to the underlined parts.最後の大問ではモデルの英文を参考に,類似トピックについての自由英作文を書きます。まとまった文脈の中で文法事項を使用する練習問題です。

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