FACTBOOK Ⅰ&Ⅱ 英語教科書のご案内

3ABBBAA6タスクを通じて,場面・状況・目的を意識しながら文法事項を学習タスクで用いなかった項目も含めて,重要な文法事項を体系的に学習タスクに沿った例文で学習総合英語FACTBOOKに掲載されている例文で学習Fact F13Fact H17Fact I24Fact C5Fact G15Fact C6決断同意するSpeak MoreContinue the dialogue in two different ways (❶ and❷). 52 1 What’s wrong? Shall I help you? 2 I would like some bottled water and 3 I’m afraid all the water is sold out. 4 I should have come earlier. 5 Will more food and water come in 6 You had better not go out tomorrow. 7 Then, I will buy bottled green tea.[Model Dialogue] some food.tomorrow morning?I’m afraid all the water is sold out. Many customers bought bottled water this morning. We still have some tea left. I’m sorry, but they are all sold out, too. However, we have some chocolate bars. We will be closed tomorrow due to the typhoon. I think you had better not go out 応答→助言for the whole day. and water.⒝ I was really lucky to get some tea and chocolate.Yes, you should have. どうしましたか。お手伝いしましょうか。ボトルの水と食料が欲しいのですが。残念ですが,水はすべて売り切れです。もっと早く来るべきでした。明日の朝にはもっと多くの食料と水が 入荷しますか。明日は外出しないほうがいいですよ。では,ボトルの緑茶を買います。❶反省する感じで 後悔する⒜ I should have stored some food ❷心配している感じで 希望を伝える⒜ I hope I can get more food and What’s wrong? Shall I help 申し出you? Yes, please. I would like some bottled water and some food, but I can’t find any bottled water anywhere. Do you have any in stock? 応答→要望→質問応答(残念)→説明Too late. I should have come earlier. How about food? Can I buy some bread 後悔→質問or cup ramen? 応答(残念)→提案I see. Will more food and water come in 理解→質問tomorrow morning? Then, I will buy bottled green tea and some chocolate bars. For each way, choose either (a) or (b).water tomorrow.⒝ I hope the typhoon will not cause serious damage. 同意するMe, too. Useful Expressions2 Speak Again2Talk to each other again. You can use the expressions above.特色英語を使ってさまざまなことが「できる」  教科書「発信」のための文法参考書『総合英語FACTBOOK』と連携!

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